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Mohammad Anamul Haque Nayan

Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh

Title: Current scenarios of green house gas emission in Bangladesh


Biography: Mohammad Anamul Haque Nayan


Statement of the Problem: Emission of greenhouse gas (GHG) accounts the interplay between the economy and the environment with respect to air emissions for assessing whether current production and consumption activities are on a sustainable path of development. Each greenhouse gas has various capacities that cause global warming, depending on its radiative properties, molecular weight and length of time it remains in the atmosphere.

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: This study was conducted by secondary data collected from different industries and relevant Government and Non-Government organizations in Bangladesh. Simple statistical methods were applied to analyze the GHG data.

Findings: The most recent year of GHG emissions from various sectors in Bangladesh’s shown that agriculture is the leading contributor, with 39% of total emissions. The energy sector is the second highest emitter with the order of electricity and heat production (46%), other fuel combustion (21%), manufacturing and construction (20%), and transportation (14%). Among the other sectors, land-use change and forestry and solid waste represent the third and fourth highest emitters, accounting for 31% and 18%, respectively. Though the mean annual emission of GHG comparing to the global average is 0.4% which is more than 200 times lower than the developed countries. The results of the study showed that Bangladesh’s emissions grew 59% from 1990 to 2014. The mean annual change during this in industrial processes (IP) (17%).

Conclusion & Significance: Overall Bangladesh’s GDP increased over from 1990 to 2014 at a considerably which is a greater rate than the total GHG emissions, signaling that Bangladesh’s carbon intensity had decreased relative to 1990. Nevertheless, emissions comparing to GDP remains well over double the world average and there remains great potential to further reduce carbon intensity.